The Sundquist Research Library and Archives at the Yakima Valley Museum is the principal regional repository specifically devoted to local history. The Library & Archives are open to the public by appointment only, Tuesday through Friday. The Sundquist Library contains
over 12,000 historic photographs of the region;
200 maps of the Valley;
95 recorded oral histories;
bound copies of the Yakima Herald-Republic from 1890 to 1952; 1,100 linear feet of personal and local business papers;
pamphlets, scrapbooks and other ephemera;
95 linear feet of newspaper clipping files;
125 linear feet of Yakima Valley Transportation Company records (the last operating interurban line in the country);
3,958 individual apple and other fruit labels used by local growers in marketing;
432 local television 1950s-1980s news report tapes (awaiting evaluation);
2,700 linear feet of architectural drawings and records of structures built in the region from c.1900 to the 1960s;
1,200 general history reference books and periodicals, and
1,500 books related to local history.
Also, 1,200 books, 12,000 photographs and slides, newspaper clippings, taped speeches, and other ephemera related to the careers of Yakima native and Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas.