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Board of Trustees

Lifelong learning requires real leadership

The Yakima Valley Museum is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization incorporated under the laws of the State of Washington.


It is governed by a Board of Trustees composed of not less than 15 nor more than 21 members. In addition, the Daughters of the Pioneers of Washington and the Yakima Valley Historical Society each appoint one of their members to be a trustee for a three-year term. The Board is self-perpetuating and is solely responsible for nominating and electing the Trustees from year to year. Each elected trustee has a three-year term and 1/3 of the terms expire each year. 


At Yakima Valley Museum, every guest has the opportunity to pursue knowledge and fun in a way that is tailored to them. This pursuit requires strong, dedicated leadership. Our board of directors oversees the museum’s strategic direction, establishes policies and engages community members in support of the museum. We thank these individuals who contribute their time and expertise.


Nancy Kenmotsu, President 
Sally Tonkin, Vice-President
Juana Rezaie, Immediate Past President 
Cragg Gilbert, Secretary/Treasurer 


Barbara Greenberg 
Sally Kransberger 

Carrie Moore

Bertha Ortega

Akbar Rezaie

Janice Ridgway  

Honorary Trustee

Cathleen Douglas Stone

Sharon Smith 

Betty Strand 

Curtis Sundquist

Bette Taylor

Charlene Upton

Leslie Wahl

Ex Officio 

Peter Arnold, Executive Director
Eliana Macias

The Yakima Valley Museum conserves our stories to inspire our community, learn from our past, celebrate our present and guide our future.

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