Exhibit extended through 2021

Celebrating Women’s Empowerment:
How far we have come, how far we have yet to go.

Yakima Valley Museum is celebrating Women’s empowerment with a series of events and exhibitions to coinciding with the centennial of the 19th Amendment, which guaranteed all women the right to vote in the United States.
Women's voices and influence have always been a part of Washington's history, even without the vote. The fight for permanent woman's suffrage in Washington, however, spans over 50 years in territorial and state history. In 1910 Washington became the first state in the 20th century and the fifth state in the Union to enact women's suffrage. After decades of arguments for and against women's suffrage, Congress finally passed the 19th Amendment in June 1919. After Congress approved the 19th Amendment, at least 36 states needed to vote in favor of it for it to become law. This process is called ratification.
On March 22, 1920, Washington voted to ratify the 19th Amendment. By August of 1920, 36 states (including Washington) ratified the amendment, ensuring that the right to vote could not be denied based on sex.
The amendment reads:
"The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex."
This exhibit showcases a timeline of important dates in the history of the suffrage movement in Washington State and includes a section of textiles from the Yakima Valley Museum collection from the period. This informative exhibit is a collaboration with the Washington State Museum of History.